Sunday, January 21, 2007

Choose Wisely: boomerangs


Thoughts are boomerangs,

returning with precision to their source.

Choose wisely which ones you throw.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Passion: the dream of ayahauasca


Softly clasp your arms, like a girdle, about me. Touch, oh, touch my skin like that again! Neither water nor the noon-time breeze is gentle as your hand.

Today you shall fondle me, 'tis your turn. Remember the caresses that I taught you last night, and kneel beside me and do not say a word.

Your lips sink from my lips. And all your unbound hair flows down, as the caress follows fast upon the kiss. The strands unfurl and fall upon my left breast; they hide your eyes from me.

Give me your hand, it is so warm! Press mine and do not leave it. Hands join with hands more easily than mouth with mouth, and nothing can compare with their passion.

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Saturday, January 13, 2007

Feminine Energy Spirit


Feminine Energy Spirit

It is a natural part of spiritual development to have periods of activity and growth followed by periods of relative quiet. Sometimes I need to rest in order to integrate a new vision of the world, or of myself, taking time to assimilate new realizations and to let old patterns and habits fall away. The purpose of times like these are to stabilize my new growth. While it may appear that nothing is happening, these can be necessary periods of rest and integration..

Ingestion of Ayahuasca usually induces altered states of awareness that have assisted me with my spiritual development. Ayahuasca "vine of the soul," refers to this freeing of the spirit.
There is a Zen expression: Practice as if your hair were on fire. What this is meant to inspire is the sense that there is no good time not to be on one’s spiritual path.

The plants involved with the brew are called plants of the gods, for their power is claimed to have supernatural forces residing in their tissues, and they have been divine gifts to the earliest of Indigenous cultures.

The shaman may use Ayahuasca as a tool to diagnose illness or to ward off impending disaster even to tell prophesies of the future, but it is more than a shaman's tool. Entering into almost all aspects of indigenous life, the people who use it and to that extent it can hardly be called a drug, it’s more of a blessing from the natural world.

I challenge myself to always be awake in my life, and to keep showing up in the moment. If a need to rest arises, I rest in the moment. But when I start stagnating-numbing out, escaping, or being unconscious-it is up to me to acknowledge it for myself. Ayahuasca has been a divine channel to keep me awake and in the moment. Fully alive and embracing life to its fullest.

This is not to say I have not experienced stagnation settling in just before an important breakthrough. It may be a symptom of my fear, one last wall thrown up by my small self in order to protect me from a life-changing realization. Sometimes when I explore the stagnation, I find I can move beyond it. I have compassion for myself as I work to remove the obstacles that block my progress.

The Ayahuasca tea is employed for prophecy, divination, sorcery, and medicinal purposes, it is deeply rooted in native mythology and philosophy and there can be no doubt of its great age as a part of a sustainable village belief system for connecting with Spirit. I have had profound interaction while under the guidance of this teacher plant.

Jungle brews are magic intoxicants that the Indians of South America believe can free the soul from corporeal confinement, allowing it to wander free and return to the body at will. The soul, thus uninhibited, liberates its owner from the realities of everyday life and introduces her to wonderous realms of what she considers reality and permits her to communicate with her ancestors or angels in this dreamtime. I have at times felt blessed to be so aware of Spirit while being held with unconditional love.

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Saturday, January 6, 2007

Dawn Of Consciousness : imagine


Imagine what it would be like to read the story of your life before it actually happened ...

I’d like to feel you all more potently with my own sense of today.

As I awaken in my room, I embrace the quiet of this space and the returning of the early dawn. I see what I have left unappreciated and untended to,on my own feasting plate of Life.

When Life is seen and understood as nutritive, graced by its existence and generous in its design.....then a deep.... felt.

Why, you may ask has my inspiration led me to this place of reflection?

Out of the depths of my shadow self, I must deepen my own appreciation of the beauty before me and especially within me.

My own darkness has called me forth to move my daily life out of this small room, it is mostly dim and not adequately private.

Now I am called to a new room, full of light, full of life's pulsings to and fro and yet exquisitely private. I now begin a new journey of allowing a deeper reflection to become visible, one into the vulnerability of seeing the remaining shadows. A paradox of relaities that Life has laid on the feasting table before me.

The awareness of that awakening is humbling and penetrating to my core.

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Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Walking on Water: what's your dream?

Part of the allure of ayahuasca is its power to put the user in direct contact with the spirit world.

For most tribal people, the risk was not so much one of dying but of not living properly. It was the quality of your time on Earth, not the quantity, that was important to them. As a modern culture we have forgotten this part of the dream. Our relationship to the natural world and the natural world’s to us.

An objective, if you will, is to change your dream, your way of thinking about this reality. Not just through talking about it like we are doing here, but to feel it deep inside ourselves with such intensity that it will forever change our dreams. Being aware of our unity with all living things; animals, plants, minerals, mountains, air, water.

Becoming attuned to every single thing, to the sacredness that surrounds and inhabits us. The concept of We Are All One. In having said that, consider your relationship with water John.

Can one come to an understanding within this relationship that both parties agree to? Shifting our dream of reality about “what is water” and our relationship to it.

Finding a deeper relationship to the reality of water and to ourselves. If so then you may very well find yourself walking on water due to that agreement. Remember what we learned in What the Bleep about water!

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Monday, January 1, 2007

Spirits of the Rainforest: up river without a paddle

The pathways we humans have explored to gain knowledge of the Divine may be innumerable. We spend our lives among shadows, groping as if we are blind toward the truth, beauty and happiness we desire.

I recall the eyes of the old man shone softly across the embers of the fire, they were a visionary’s eyes. This elder who looked at me had been a seeker. Master of his acts, owner of the arcane languages used by the spirits that filled the forest with awareness, in his hands he held magical powers, which he explained with simple elegance and without affection.

I listened quietly, swaying in a palm fiber hammock, embracing the warm night air filled with the jungle's icaros.

The Ayahuasca experience , for me, required abandoning many of my most comfortable and habitual patterns in my life.

Most journeys that held lessons for my growth were not blissful ones but the terrifying ones, for there amidst the spirits I learned to face my fears.