Thursday, February 8, 2007

This Year I Will......strive to complete myself

This year I will love myself the way I want to be loved. The manner in which I treat myself sets the tone for how men will treat me, so I will respect myself, believe in my worth, and take pride in my unique beauty-both inside and out!

I will see the world as full of possibilities and live each day believing that I could meet that special man at any time, in any place. The openness I feel within my heart to meet someone wonderful will transcend to my outward appearance; I will smile, laugh, and be just as friendly and approachable in the grocery store, in line at the bank, and while walking my dog down the street on a Tuesday morning ,as I am when I open my heart space to Great Spirit.

I will choose not to engage in the emotional turmoil of an unhealthy relationship but instead, I will only give my heart to a man who is truly aware of his own value and can honor my worth as an individual.

When I am happy with my life and feeling fulfilled I am not expecting a man to complete me. This confidence and contentment is the antidote to neediness and will attract men of healthy quality who want to be a part of my fabulous life!

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