Sunday, January 14, 2007

Passion: the dream of ayahauasca


Softly clasp your arms, like a girdle, about me. Touch, oh, touch my skin like that again! Neither water nor the noon-time breeze is gentle as your hand.

Today you shall fondle me, 'tis your turn. Remember the caresses that I taught you last night, and kneel beside me and do not say a word.

Your lips sink from my lips. And all your unbound hair flows down, as the caress follows fast upon the kiss. The strands unfurl and fall upon my left breast; they hide your eyes from me.

Give me your hand, it is so warm! Press mine and do not leave it. Hands join with hands more easily than mouth with mouth, and nothing can compare with their passion.

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1 comment:

Wavefront said...

Wow, That's what I'm talking about! Sorry, that's the "Male Energy Spirit!"
